Phone Times Report

The Phone Times Report provides a simple comparison of phone time data for all users within an organization.  By default, the report opens and generates showing data for the previous calendar date for all active users.  The Change Report Date and Change User options can be used to filter the data and the Generate Report button can then be used to refresh the data.

The report is broken into three different sections:

  1. Phone Times Report by User
    This report is a listing of users by first name along with their phone time data.
  2. Phone Times Report by Duration
    This report shows the same data as the Report by User but is sorted by the phone time duration from largest to smallest. This is essentially a ranking of users by phone time.
  3. Phone Times Report by Number of Calls
    This section of the report provides a ranking of users based on their total number of calls for the time period generated.

Call Details

For tenants that utilize the advanced RingCentral API, clicking on a user anywhere in the Phone Times Report will display the call details for that user, as shown in the figure below.  Clicking another user or clicking the current user again will hide the details.

Change User

The Change User dropdown menu allows you to select one or more users to filter the report by.  Most reports default to the currently logged-in user, but the Phone Times Report and organization-based reports will default having all users selected.

Change Timeframe

The default view of this report is Daily but you can change the report so that it displays data by the week, month or year as well.  To do this, simply select the option from the Change Timeframe dropdown.  If you select Month or Year, the Change Report button disappears and a month/year selection option is displayed in it’s place, as shown in the figure below.

When the Change Timeframe option is changed to Monthly, the default is the current month and year.  You can change the options to the time period you desire and click the Generate Report button to refresh the data.  If you select the Year option from this menu, the month portion of the time period selection is disabled and you can only select the available years.

Emailing the Report

There are two options for emailing the report out of HA.  The Email Report to Me button will send the report to the logged in user and the Email Report to All button will send this report to the distribution address configured by the admin.