RingCentral API
To integrate with RingCentral, HA first needs to be able to connect with the RingCentral API. Go to https://developers.ringcentral.com/ and login with your primary RC credentials. Click “Create App” as shown in the figure below.

Next, click on REST API App (most common) and then click the Next button.

Then, give the app a name such as hireanalytiX or something like that so that you know what the app is being used for. Provide a brief description, such as “Using the app to collect call and message data for analytical purposes”.

Make sure the Primary Contact is correct (will be the logged in user by default) and then choose No for the promotion of the app question, as shown in the figure.
Scroll down to the Auth section of the form and choose Password-based auth flow and then No for “Issue refresh tokens?”, as shown in the figure below.

Finally, in the Security section, select the following options for App Permissions:
- Read Call Log
- Read Messages
- Read Accounts
- Read Contacts
- Read Presence
- Fax
- Meetings
- Internal Messages
Ensure that the app is set to private, as pointed out in the figure below, and then click Create to create the app.
One the app has been created, provide the Sandbox account credentials to your HA representative so that they can begin the process of getting the app approved for production use.